Just finished re-decorating the living room and re-painting the walls in the living room and hallway from dark colors to all white. Me and my bf were tired of all the dark tones in the living room and the crazy red walls on the hallway, and we opted for a cleaner and lighter look - i.e. we made it white again. We thought that a weekend would suffice - if everything went according to the plan and we just had to work as effectively we could. It ended up to be a home-make-over extreme (!) marathon edition, and we painted and painted to early morning.
3 coats later, accumulating some debt at IKEA (I love you IKEA-card), sore arms and shoulders - we finally did it. Never again though...
Here's a sneak peak:

10L of paint. 2nd coat...still missing the third.

New IKEA debt. Got to play with tools. I love tools. And IKEA.

New lamp and shelves for days (for now...)